Sunday, July 8, 2012

"We learn by teaching." -James Howell - Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hello everyone!

So BIG news!  I don't know if you all have been keeping up with the calendar, but it is officially the last week of the this transfer and we received our transfer calls this morning!  (Drumroll please!)  I received a call from President Baughman himself this morning to inform me that I would, in fact, be training this upcoming transfer!  It is official!!!  I will be "mom" to some little new missionary getting "born" into the missionary field.  Before you ask, I still don't know who exactly.  I will go up to Budapest on Wednesday, have a trainer's meeting, then go into a big room with all of the other trainers and greenies, where President will follow inspiration and match us up right there.  So, I will let you all know next week what my new companion is like!  There are two sisters coming in with a few elders, so it is a 50-50 chance between which one I get :P  Sister Papritz is really hoping for the one from (get this) her hometown!  We'll see :P The other crazy thing is--- guess who the other sister trainer will be?  My old companion Sister Johnson!  We are both on the younger side to be training (but not unheard of-- my trainer, Dels, trained in her seventh, too), so we went seniors together and now we will be going trainers together too!  I am glad we will be able to talk to each other about this!  I personally am nervous... but excited.  It is a lot of responsibility because I will influence on this missionary's entire mission and attitude towards missionary work.  (Hűha!)  But President told me that he is confidant that I will be a great trainer.  And, heck, I know if this is what God wants me to do, then he is definitely going to help me out with it!

Other than that, this past week has been CRAZY with trying to get missionary work done while at the same time preparing for Sister Papritz's departure for America this next week.  Our work paid off, though, because we had a lot of investigators come to church this past Sunday!  One in particular had a really amazing experience.  I sat next to her and afterwards talked to her about what she thought about our sacrament meeting.  She told me it was different than she thought (I think she envisioned a sort of mass), but it was so perfect just the way it was.  She told me that every talk and song went right into her heart and how she just felt so GOOD there!  She then asked if we had church every Sunday.  "Yes!", I said.  "Come!," I said.  And she wants to!  This investigator, named Gabriella, is amazing!  She is so kind (she works at a sweet shop here in Szeged and invited us to come over there this past week while she was working.  We did, picking out all sorts of desserts so we could buy a lot from her... and then she told us she wanted to give our giant package of goodies to us as a gift.  We felt kind of foolish and piggy-like, but she insisted.  She is truly very generous!) and she feels the Spirit SO strongly in our lessons!  We talked to her a little bit about baptism in our last program with her and she is interested.  She really is looking for God to show her the right path and wonders if this might be it.  We told her to pray about it!  (God has promised to show us the right way and to show us which things are true.  We just need to ask (sincerely, and study it out, and listen to/act on his answers!)).

One of our other investigators, Nik, is going to be baptized THIS Friday!  (Which kind of really sucks for Sister Papritz because that is literally the DAY after she flies home.  Sad.  But it will be an awesome intro for my greenie, I guess!  And, anyways, the important thing is that Nik is getting baptized!)  She is still SO excited!  It has been fun to see her entire countenance change with this choice.  It is like a weight has been lifted from her shoulders.  She is so happy all of the time!  (She even helped us out in Gabriella's program this past week!)  We really do recieve a lot of joy when we follow God's commandments.  Anyways, her baptism will be on her TWO year mark of investigation!  What a neat thing :)

Anyways, I am super tired (we went to a cute little city called Gyűla today and saw a castle there (Sister Papritz had never seen a castle before, so that is what we did on her last P-Day!).  It was about a billion degrees outside.  And inside, since air conditioning is rarer in Hungary.  And then, after that, we (barely) survived another feast at Géza's, that member who feeds the missionaries to bursting at the end of every transfer.  Seriously.  Today, we got two soups, two main dishes, three salads, and two desserts.  It kind of just hurts to breathe!!!) so I think I will cut this email short.  Also, Sister Papritz and I have to use every minute we have left together!  We are such good friends and it has been a bittersweet experience to "kill" her (to be her last companion here in Hungary).  I am so grateful I have had the opportunity to serve with her!  We are off to go laugh and have some last bits of fun (while packing her stuff haha).

Just know that God loves you!  I love you!

(Also, pray for me?  I am definitely going to need some extra help this week!!!!)

Love you all!
McKenna aka Kramer Nővér

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